The Christ Lutheran Church Council has prayerfully and carefully created a plan for conducting in-person worship in the safest possible manner.

One worship service will be held Sunday mornings at 10:00am. This service includes a liturgy, confession and communion weekly.  See recent bulletins from this service here.

Each Sunday we hear scripture readings from the Bible following the lectionary, a three-year cycle of biblical texts. The format of our worship service is both ancient and modern. We follow the ancient worship pattern of Gathering, Word, Meal, and Sending, using alternating contemporary music and traditional hymns each week. See the biblical roots of our worship style here.

Worship will also be live streamed on Sundays at 10:00 am on our YouTube Channel and uploaded every Monday morning to our website. We look forward to worshiping together, both in-person and online!

Read the complete building use protocol (which includes worship) here.