The Rev. Pastor Leigh DeVries

Pastor Leigh was born and raised in Nashville, TN, the youngest daughter in a long line of Presbyterian ministers. After High School she attended Rhodes College in Memphis, TN, majoring in Religious Studies. After college, Pastor Leigh worked as a non-ordained youth pastor for two years at her home church, First Presbyterian Church, Nashville, before she felt the call to seminary. She attended Princeton Theological Seminary, where she met her wife, Jenni. After seminary she worked as the Associate Director of the Bend Youth Collective, an ecumenical youth ministry, for two years, followed by five years as the Associate Pastor for Youth & Their Families at Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church. In August of 2024, Pastor Leigh received a call to work at Christ Lutheran Church to become their pastor. She is delighted to be leading this vital congregation in following the call of Christ to love all people.
Matt Springer

I am a lifelong Lutheran. I was raised in Bellingham and grew up a member of Christ the Servant Lutheran Church in Bellingham. I first started coming to CLC in January 2015 and have been part of the worship team since. I have really enjoyed worshiping here because it feels like home.

Steve Andres
Vice President*

I have lived in the Ferndale area all of my life and have been associated with Christ Lutheran Church for over 40 years.

I am a retired high school technology teacher and love to sing.

Janet Wilhoite
Bruce Mathias

My wife and I have been members since 2015. We love it here and I have been serving as treasurer since 2016.

Betty Behee

My husband, Darrel and I, moved to Ferndale and joined Christ Lutheran in 2004.  We were warmly welcomed and soon felt a part of the church family. I currently serve on the Social Concerns Committee; I’m a Stephen minister and a new member of the church council. I also have the joy of singing with the CLC choir and look forward to resuming that ministry. I appreciate the many opportunities at CLC to learn and grow through adult education.

Ginny Clark
Parish Education

My name is Ginny Clark, I live here in Ferndale with my husband Chad, our four kids ages and our three dogs! I’m always up for planning parties, a nice walk with a friend, the beach and smoothies, iced tea, and chocolate! Thanks for the opportunity to be a part of council.

Jenise Clausen

I am a retired elementary teacher and administrator. I taught in the Port Angeles and Issaquah school districts, with a short stint in a Catholic school. My husband, Don, and I moved north in 2018 to be near our daughter and her family, who live in Bellingham. We found ourselves in the lovely community of Ferndale. Having been Lutherans for many years, we visited Christ Lutheran Church and quickly knew it was the congregation that God had chosen for us. I so enjoy the opportunities I have been given to serve, including being on the church council.

Gary Jonson
Property Management

I have been a member of Christ Lutheran since 1968. I am a retired educator. I have served on several church councils in a variety of positions and I have been on 2 past call committees.

Mary Ann O’Hara
Social Concerns

My husband, Brian, and I moved to Bellingham almost 20 years ago because our family is here. We joined CLC in 2021. When asked to join the council, I was glad to do so. I hope to be a contributing member of CLC.

Jo Ann Philpot

I am originally from Clear Lake, Iowa where I was baptized, confirmed, and married 50 years ago in Zion Lutheran Church (ALC). I am married to Tom Philpot, an MK (Missionary Kid), I met at Gustavus Adolphus College, my alma mater for BS degree. I received a Chemical Engineering degree from Pittsburg College through 3M Corporation where I was a polymer engineer and a QE, a member of ASQE. And I received an MBA from Pepperdine University. Tom and I started our own business, Flow Product Inc., in water treatment equipment. I retired in 2010, and in retirement, I received my Harp Therapy Practitioner’s Certificate. I was the harp therapist at Peace Health Medical Center for 8 years. I love gardening and have beehives. I have been a beekeeper since I was 16 years old. Tom and I have two beautiful children, Brad and Liz. Brad is a teacher at Frankfurt International School, Frankfurt, Germany and Liz owns Eat Seattle Tours, Seattle WA where she gives chef lead food tours of Pike Place Market and South Lake Union.

We have lived on Lummi Island since 2005, although we have had a home there since 1998. My Lutheran faith is very important to me. I continue to learn to use contemplative prayer as a center in my life. I am currently the council representative of the Stewardship Committee.

David Soderlund
Worship and Music

*Executive Committee