(Every fifth Sunday the youth help gather the Noisy Offering which replenishes the Helping Neighbors Fund.)
Social Concerns is one of the most active ministries in the congregation, enthusiastically supporting with donations and volunteer hours with the Ferndale Other Bank, the Ferndale Food Bank, Interfaith Coalition, the Ferndale Holiday Giving Store, Ferndale Community Services, Adopt-a-Highway, Lutheran Campus Ministry at Western Washington University, the ELCA Malaria Campaign, and other local benevolences.
For more information about our Social Concerns ministry, contact our Social Concerns representative at socialconcerns@clcferndale.org.
Monthly service teams include each member of the congregation. The weekly service opportunities during worship services of usher, greeter, reader, communion assistants, acolyte, and cantor are handled by a different team of members each month. New church members are assigned to a team when they join the congregation and invited to help where they feel called. Contact the church office for more information.
Our resident group of quilters, the Piecemakers, meets most Monday mornings at 9am in the Fellowship Hall to create beautiful quilts that are sent, via Lutheran World Relief, to those in need around the world. Contact Elizabeth for more information.
The prayer chain is one of the most powerful ways to participate in spiritual growth and service at CLC. Need for prayer is communicated to a contact person, usually the Parish Administrator, and from there to the prayer chain via email. Those participating in the prayer chain receive guidelines and other information as we pray for needs within and beyond our church walls. Contact the church office for information.
The Altar Guild prepares communion elements and worship paraments for worship each week. Contact Linda for more information.