Our youth programs are all currently on hold due to there not being enough youth in the congregation to attend them. Adult Education is our only program that is running at the time.
Education for all ages, preschool through adult, is held from 11:15am–12:05pm, September-May.
Adult Education provides opportunities to explore the Bible, Christian theology, and contemporary topics related to faith. Recent classes include an overview of the entire Bible, an introduction to the “Book of Faith” Lutheran way of reading scripture, learning about stewardship (“Giving to God”), and topics such as Dying and Aging, the ELCA Malaria Campaign, orphanages in Haiti, and the Lutheran church in Palestine. This class is taught by lay leaders in the Fireside Room on Sunday mornings—all are welcome.
Children’s Sunday School – Godly Play (preschool through fifth grade) encourages children to discover God through storytelling and hands-on materials. Based on a Montessori teaching method, Godly Play connects stories of God’s people with a child’s own experience with and relationship with God. Read about Godly Play here. All children are welcome any Sunday; please ask an usher for directions to the Godly Play room. The middle school students participate in Confirmation Classes during the Sunday School hour in the pastor’s office. High School youth meet in the Youth Room once a month.